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The development environment for `micro`

Results 29 micro-dev issues
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Hello 👋 I've just been experimenting with `micro-dev`. If I use `micro-dev` hot reloading is enabled by default, which is awesome. However if I ctrl+c the process it continues to...

How do I run micro-dev using https? If I run it as http, and try to call it from my development website in Chrome I get the Mixed Content block....

I noted you are ignoring files here: https://github.com/zeit/micro-dev/blob/de0d1b8a8f38651262cf6d00263bda1875751cbc/lib/listening.js#L81 Ideally get the files from `.gitignore` and use the current setup when `.gitignore` is not present 😄. This could be useful: https://github.com/dwyl/ignored

help wanted

Bumps [semver](https://github.com/npm/node-semver) from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2. Release notes Sourced from semver's releases. v5.7.2 5.7.2 (2023-07-10) Bug Fixes 2f8fd41 #585 better handling of whitespace (#585) (@​joaomoreno, @​lukekarrys) Changelog Sourced from semver's...


Bumps [vite](https://github.com/vitejs/vite/tree/HEAD/packages/vite) from 2.9.13 to 3.2.7. Release notes Sourced from vite's releases. [email protected] Please refer to CHANGELOG.md for details. [email protected] Please refer to CHANGELOG.md for details. Changelog Sourced from vite's...


Currently `micro-dev` isn't compatible with `micro` v10.x, trying to use `micro-dev` with v10.x causes a `MODULE_NOT_FOUND` error. Seems `micro` v10.x dropped the `lib` directory used in previous versions, so `micro-dev`...

It would be a great aide to print the module file name in the boxen message. It took an embarassingly long time to figure that `micro-dev dist/server.js --silent` **`!==`** `micro-dev...