Dmitrii Verbeckii
Dmitrii Verbeckii
I no longer have /opt/redash but it still create every time redash_network when I'm creating a new others docker-compose How can I totally remove redash_network?
I'm trying to use this PR and tested it with my Jitsi-meet. There is still no video/audio permissions But have tested a fresh HTML Iframe with `allow = "camera; microphone;"`...
> This does not work currently due to the `Feature-Policy` also being set in the headers so that will also need to be set if the user wants these permissions...
If I downgrade `mui-datatables` to 3.8.2 and install `material-ui/core` v.4.12.3 then styles start works Please see It seems like changing styles don't work for mui-datatables v 4.0 ... Can...
> 1. First of all, you are in the wrong place to ask a question. This is for `sameersbn/gitlab`, is community-driven unofficial and well-customized docker image, not official `gitlab/gitlab-ee` image....
> @verbeckii Please check issue #2448 if that helps you. Mentioned some inside investigation of this issue. thanks for your answer I can confirm that since my yesterday upgrade from...