@znxlwm good job you did. And also I think the figure about the framework of cGAN and cDCGan looks very clean and beautiful, what's the software you use? thanks.
@tengteng95 Hi, why I always get [-1, -1] * 18 when I try to run compute_coordinates.py? For any images I give, the cooridiantes always are [-1, -1], so strange.
@AliaksandrSiarohin Hi, why I always get [-1, -1] * 18 when I try to run compute_coordinates.py? For any images I give, the cooridiantes always are [-1, -1], so strange.
Hello, In the **main.py/class VGG_graph_matching/biStochastic_forward()** function: ``` S = v.view(n,m) for i in range(N): S = torch.mm(S, torch.mm(torch.ones(1,n),S).inverse()) S = torch.mm(torch.mv(S, torch.ones(m,1)).inverse(), S) return S ``` The **A.inverse()** function need...
hello, in the code 'model.py', you said "# Do not need to initialize RNN parameters, which have been initialized" like below, why do like this? any help def init_weights(self): initrange...