I have been using golang-lru repo for many years now. Thanks everyone who contributed. I read the Sieve paper and it is super cool. I would like to volunteer to...
Thanks @1a1a11a @yazhuo Yes - Agree!
Hi folks, @irenarindos @mgaffney @paskal Want to touch base with you to see if the proposal make sense to you. Thanks!
Hi @mgaffney Thanks for getting back. I have added two New methods (NewSieve and NewSieveWithEvict) which would work with SIEVE evicition. Please take a look at this [PR]( and add...
Yes. Let me complete the PR and send out another PR for this repo. Thanks!
I've updated the PR Please take a look.[mgaffney]( Also, if & when there is a v3 version, It'd be great with the change the New signature. This would make...
@mgaffney Did you get a chance to check out the PR #169 Let me know if I can be of any help. Thanks!