When I try to install hrbrthemes package, systemfonts package is a dependency package. However, systemfonts package is not getting installed in MacOS (ARM64) as system fonts is not verified by...
Hi Julia, I have been regularly reading your blogs and they have been helping me significantly (statistically of course). While running a logreg model, I have hit a small road...
#I have attempted like this final_model % tidy(exponentiate = TRUE) %>% #this step is to get OR mutate(Odds = exp(estimate), CI = 1.96*std.error) #this step is to back transform %>%...
Thanks for the prompt response Julia and I had gone through the links that you have shared. They were very useful to understand the concepts. I would wish to simplify...
Hi Julia, I was closely watching the discussions about transformation of features. Imputation of missing data is one important such transformation as many model algorithms are averse to missing data....
Hi Julia, Once again a very useful post of yours I have a basic doubt. Why did (didn't) you use tree_res instead of final_fitted for the explainer creation? I thought...
...continuation Or for that matter, final_res would be more appropriate, I thought so...same error again...
Thanks Julia for the as usual prompt reply of yours and I could understand I am somewhat stuck again... I was creating a model explainer for a random forest classification...