
Results 18 issues of venkataanil

SRE is using these prometheus metrics in their grafana dashboards [1]. After fleet manager scale testing, we manually run kube-burner with this metric profile to index into our internal ES....

Currently scale-ci-deploy is using below command to patch ovn image ``` oc -n openshift-network-operator set env deployment.apps/network-operator OVN_IMAGE={{openshift_ovn_image}} RELEASE_VERSION="5.0.0"` ``` Howerver this patching is failing because of specifying RELEASE_VERSION. network-operator...

network operator is stuck in CrashLoppBackOff state when we are overriding RELEASE_VERSION during ovn patching. The purpose of this ansible task is to only override OVN_MAGE, we will avoid changing...

Infra nodes must have”” label as MCP considers nodes with only this label for upgrades and migration. We apply taints to infra nodes to avoid hosting workloads and then...

Delete AWS key if exist and create the new key as we won't be having the pem file for existing key. Use same name both AWS instance and key.


New approach to network policy latency testing. ## Type of change - [ ] Refactor ## Description Latency Measurement via Connection Testing ##Network Policy Latency Calculates the time taken to...

This patch adds a new measurement "netpolLatency" to measure network policy latency. Whenever a network policy is added, this measurment reads all rules and corresponding pods from its config. For...

support dell r660