Benicio Cardozo

Results 13 issues of Benicio Cardozo

# Feature Request ## Form Put an `[x]` if you meet the condition, else leave `[ ]`. - [x] I've searched the [Issues]( - [x] I've read the [basic concepts](


### Versions - nuxt-edge: 2.16.0-27601942.123206cb, - node: v16..14.2 ### Reproduction ### Steps to reproduce 1) Install latest nuxt-edge 2) Run `npm run dev` ### What is Expected? Nuxt logs are...


I have two streamers in my file. When both of them are offline, the process crashes in Heroku. This is my Procfile file: ```worker: python``` These are the...


Hi! Firstly, thanks for this awesome template, I've made a few projects with it and I'm very happy with its DX. However, I was thinking that with Nuxt v3, this...

## **I'm submitting a ...** - [ ] bug report - [x] feature request - [ ] support request ## **What is the current behavior?** Component is not tested and...

### Environment Nitro: Latest Node: v16.14.2 ### Reproduction Go to the Nitro Playground and Run `nitro dev` Or check on Stackblitz: ### Describe the bug No index route is...


Hi! I know this package has a `commit_message` option. But I'd like to have that option set automatically based on each commit on the src repo. AFAIK, this could be...

Hi! Firstly, thanks for this awesome tool. I was trying to not get any of the files under the seeds dir to the mirror repo, or the I came...