Benicio Cardozo

Results 20 comments of Benicio Cardozo

So for anyone with this issue I'd suggest that you set up Playwright (`npm i -D playwright @playwright/test` AND `npx playwright install`). Then run `npm run dev` and in another...

Did u uninstalled nuxt/test-utils and removed nuxt test utils from jest.config? This is how my command looks: ` "test:e2e-but-not-run-dev-server": "npx playwright test test/e2e --config=test/e2e/config.js"` ` "test:e2e": "start-server-and-test 'npm run dev'...

Oh, in that case I dunno how to set it up correctly, but migrating was so smooth (the api is literally the same) El sáb, 19 feb 2022 a la(s)...

@GithubMitch Till they release it for Nuxt 3, you could make a route under `server/api` that uses nodemailer :)

Hi! Any updates on this? Any way we could help?

@dword-design How could we help in order to have it ASAP? BTW, thanks for the great module!

Is now working?

All that work just to get tailwind working 😒

Hey guys! I was thinking of implementing this feature but I was wondering which approach should I take. Maybe adding a module option like `offline` and then downloading icons at...

> I think it's also important for online mode, bc for instance if I have a theme switcher and click on it (switching color theme and icon) the icon disappears...