
Results 256 issues of vemv

`(speced/get-in {:foo 2} [:foo :bar :baz])` => error message explaining that `2` does not contain :bar `(speced/get-in {:foo {:bar {}}} [:foo :bar :baz] ::default)` => ::default `(speced/get-in {:foo 2} [:foo...


aka the pending items from : - [x] cover `consistent-tagging?` and other similar fns - [x] Create a specific test for `37e9456 (instance-spec: also check protocols, for cljs)` -...

## Problem statement `speced/fn` lacks specific coverage for metadata (type hint) emission. Its coverage is only concerned with :pre/:post emission. Note that the implementation is shared with that of defn,...


For now this library is assumed to be used under the JVM compiler. * remove `(assert false)`s * adapt .clj tests to be .cljc ones


```clojure (speced/defn ^{::speced/memoize 100 ::speced/spec int?} foo ...) ``` ...would be cool. 100 would mean up to 100 elements under a default caching strategy (e.g. LRU). Custom strategies could...


Although linters for these exist, I think we can throw an error in compile time if a wrong docstring and/or :pre positions were detected.

`speced/defn foo [^some? ^named? lang]` should generate a `(spec/and named? lang?)`. (That should be forbidden for keyword specs) Currently the behavior is to skip one of the passed specs, which...

The attr-map, namely `{}` in `(defn x {} [] ....)` could have utils.spec directives. Currently the would be ignored. - [ ] Start observing the attr-map - [ ] Expand...


Given ```clojure (speced/defn inline-function [^::speced/closed-keys {:keys [foo bar baz] :as x}] (when (< 0 x 100) (-> x (* x) str))) ``` , `^::speced/closed-keys` would ensure that the map `x`...

Given a `(speced/defn [{::foo/keys [bar}])`, we could observe that the `::foo/bar` spec _may_ exist, and add it to the precondition accordingly, against the `bar` variable. Note that destructuring may be...
