Evan Chan

Results 43 issues of Evan Chan

Ying profiler reveals that of all the Rust-based memory allocations, NodeSyncState is often the largest source of memory allocations when there are memory spikes. This is captured from prod validator1...


If one browses full node logs one will often see a huge volume of ERROR logs coming from RPC request failures. The problem with this is that ERROR logs are...


## Steps to Reproduce Issue Sometimes when full node is started and the disk has not been wiped there is this unhelpful error message: ``` 2022-11-02 01:56:10 | thread 'main'...


## Steps to Reproduce Issue If a change to the SQLIte events table schema is made, and a Fullnode restarts without wiping the disk, then we get errors like: ```...


Today, we don't have the notion of a timestamp for events or effects. We consider events as a log of the Sui blockchain, a recording of what has been happening....


## Steps to Reproduce Issue RPC call “events by module” returns not the event module but the frontend one (eg entry fun). For example: ``` call capy_admin::batch_breed_and_list( -> capy::batch() ->...


In a production environment, it is desirable to have tracing capability, and to measure latencies of tracing spans. However, span creation is expensive, and sending every span to a tracing...

@randall-Mysten is this needed for 0.15.1 release?

Type: Documentation

Hi there, I have a reproducible case of where Leapfrog map is endlessly going in a probing loop during inserts. MacBook Pro 2021, M1 Pro, OSX 12.1 Repo and commit...

Currently `u32x8` `shuffle1_dyn` are not optimized and fallback is used which results in a whole mess of extract intrinsics. It is not very fast. Can we please add support for...
