Evan Chan

Results 43 issues of Evan Chan

Would you kindly consider renaming the name of the project in Cargo.toml from "datafusion" to something else, perhaps "datafusion-python"? I'd like to include this project in my Rust project, but...

Hey Jorge, Great work. I can't build it though, when I clone and repo and run `Maturin develop` I get: ``` Compiling indoc-impl v0.3.6 Compiling ghost v0.1.2 Compiling tokio-macros v0.2.6...

Strings form a large portion of many objects. Just storing a pointer to the on-heap String object is not a practical way to reduce GC pressure. Instead, how about having...

Help Needed

version 0.4.2. ```scala object Test { @newsubtype case class VectorPointer(addr: Long) } scala> new Array[Test.VectorPointer](10) :12: error: cannot find class tag for element type Test.VectorPointer new Array[Test.VectorPointer](10) ```

This is an awesome project! Would love if azure support could be added. If I had lots of time could potentially help here. ``` thread 'main' panicked at 'an error...

ensureGeoIndex creates geo indexes with geoJson set to false How much is this client maintained? I see almost no activity within the last year.

`perf::get_memory_usage_stats()` is something we want to monitor RocksDB memory usage, but it only accepts DBs as an argument, which is `DBWithThreadMode`. Is there no way to make this work for...

Hi, I'm using spray-json 1.2.2 and get this error: scala> Map("a" -> Map("b" -> 2), "b" -> Map()).toJson :14: error: Cannot find JsonWriter or JsonFormat type class for scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,scala.collection.immutable.Map[_ Map("b"...


Right now there is no protocol that can convert to/from Seq[Any] and Map[String, Any]. This prevents spray-json from being used in many scenarios, unless you code up your own protocol....


I found Diet, which seems quite nice, but I'm particularly interested in a DietMap, which would allow you to store values associated with each range. ``` dietMap.addRange((1, 10), myCaseClass) def...