Aslesh Vejandla
Aslesh Vejandla
We are using this package for OAUTH 2.0, PKCE flow for an angular 13 SPA. When we are trying to do the silent renewal through an iframe, the whole application...
My IDP supports Refresh token. Does `SigninSilent` uses an iframe to renew tokens or use the refresh token to fetch new tokens? If SigninSilent uses an iframe, Will the whole...
I've to have both MSAL and React OIDC context in the same code base. Based on the host and few other information, I know which IDP I need to use...
I've a requestResponseLogger middleware which I'm trying to test few uses 1) when request is sent, it should log req info (call logger.log) 2) when response is success, it should...
Is there a way to access authservice outside the react component. All I see from the package is a HOC and hook, Appreciate any help
Is there an option to upload a binary key?