fixes #124 - fixes openai compatibility client to use `completions` endpoint if `API Handles prompt template` is disabled and `chat/completions` if its enabled. - fixes openai compatibility client not passing...
Are the values for temperature, repetition penalty, etc... sane? Should be done as part of or after #110
chromadb collection management seems clunky and not being able to duplicate a collection makes our save file management more difficult than it needs to be. - - novel retrieval...
If the sim suite is currently processing and you load a new scene, generation will keep going and results may contaminate the newly loaded scene.
Allows user to specify some keywords to prepend to either prompt through the agent config
make sure everything that can be current is current
Should be able to switch any character to be user or ai controlled. When multiple characters are user controlled allow quick selection of who to act as.
Difficulty here lies in the fact that generation presets aren't per agent as much as they are tailored to agent action (creative, analytical etc.). Some cleanup and abstraction work will...
Now that rudimentary support for third party agent / client modules is in, some documentation should be added on how to dev / install.