Sergey Berezhnoy
Sergey Berezhnoy
why it should be splitted? I'm not a big fun of "pluginize everything!" idea
we can just add `args` to `opts` but keep second argument for `act` function for full backward compatibility
@arikon yep, but that's some kind "unsemantic" and seems nobody do that
right now we can't do this because of possibility to add bundles to runtime and necessity to build such bundles (see more discussion in #337)
I think it's backward incompatible change without really strong needs
@zxqfox «backward incompatible change without really strong needs» means NO (and I'm sure you understand what I mean ;-))
я как-то посмотрел по коду и там везде приведение к строке — не понимаю, почему оно не работает (вроде ничего не мешает разрешить и Number)