Make sure that your DndContext or it's parent component is defined outside a component. Otherwise DndContext will be unmount and mount again, the intervalRef in useInterval will be reset, and...
> any solution to this? facing similar issue like the OP sandbox. Help~~ https://codesandbox.io/s/magical-rgb-2srcfs?file=/src/App.tsx Do not let the DndContext been remounted.
> any solution to this? facing similar issue like the OP sandbox. Help~~ 他那个演示代码里, DndContext写在SortableList这个组件内部, SortableList组件写在App内部, 导致每次setImages的时候,SortableList会被卸载、加载,DndContext也跟着一起被卸载、加载了。 要么把SortableList组件useMemo一下, 要么把组件定义在App组件外部,要么在App里直接用DndContext,总之``。 这问题几乎都是该原因导致的。