Ved Nig

Results 14 comments of Ved Nig

Maybe setting up redirect from [](// to [](// in Cloudflare should work. Cause [](// still seems to be down. See: [Cloudflare Tutorial](

Yeah similar things happening Input: Output: Says: Not Found

Have fixed url generation but site is still not updated I think.

2nd point in [#plans-for-the-future]( says it is not hosted directly by github

You can change links to []( for now. That might help. isn't a forked version I think. It was hosted by @schme16 when .xyz domain went down due to an abuse of service. It was expected to replace the

it can be done via **Toplevel** then make it transparent with **wm_attribute** -_transparentcolor_ and adding ctk_frame in it. and a label. and since canvas background is "white" by default `transcolor`...

Except for the shadow part. Which I think could be done but is a little difficult

Unzip the contents of []( into your my-themes\Sun-Valley\theme\ Open ` ` and edit values **set_color** - (to your color choice) and **theme_path** - (to path to your light directory) Then...

Could do something like ```tcl exec python -c"#ColorCodeHere" ``` inside TCL file supplying whatever color is provided while calling `set_theme`