John, I think this could be solved with generic class objects. Would something like this patch do the job?
Hmm, that's interesting. I don't see that error on my end. What mypy are you using? I have 0.812 with default settings.
It looks like mypy just doesn't like the redundant type hints on the intermediate abstract classes. If you move these to the base class these errors go away. See here...
@JohnVillalovos, sure, thanks, done.
@nejch I ran tox and see some errors that I'm not sure what to do with. What do you think? - At gitlab/v4/ related to SidekiqManager but I'm not really...
The cycleway:right should only be treated as a cycleway in one direction, and as a regular road in the other direction. Which direction has the cycleway depends on which side...
I suppose we can't know for sure what port is available for HTTPS, but I think it is almost certainly not the port used for SSH. I also edited the...
NB this workflow is supported by TopGit.
with `--registry does_not_exist`, I see ``` Registry: does_not_exist Nothing to deploy (already at "first-change") ```
I merged wlp/socks to master (in my local repository) but it didn't work. * The main problem is in Pandora.build_opener(), the last line of which should be like this: `...