Vladimir Cherkasov

Results 37 issues of Vladimir Cherkasov

Is it right to say that storm hasn't any mechanism to lock particular key or range of keys to read and modify it atomically and one option is to perform...

### Changelog category (leave one): - Not for changelog (changelog entry is not required) It has a timeout 3 sec, but for ubsan it's not enough ([checks](https://play.clickhouse.com/play?user=play#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)). It doesn't run...


### Changelog category (leave one): - Improvement ### Changelog entry (a user-readable short description of the changes that goes to CHANGELOG.md): * Add observer mode to (zoo)keeper cluster discovery feature....


### Changelog category (leave one): - Not for changelog (changelog entry is not required) We usually use numeric settings, but with special treatment for some values like `0` or `-1`....


### Changelog category (leave one): - Performance Improvement ### Changelog entry (a user-readable short description of the changes that goes to CHANGELOG.md): * Filter joined streams for `full_sorting_join` by each...


I get strange failures when calling `wasm_runtime_module_malloc` with different module instances from multiple threads, does it mean that this function is not thread safe? I use `Alloc_With_Allocator` option in `RuntimeInitArgs`....

### What are you trying to do? whether it is useful to implement some kind of [ANN search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest_neighbor_search#Approximation_methods) algorithm, like HNSW? ### What did you try? Gonum contains kdtree and...

### What are you trying to do? Is it relevant to implement Count-min sketch to estimate frequency table. Or Bloom filter? ### What did you try? Gonum already contains probabilistic...

Resolves #734 Uses [bleve](https://github.com/blevesearch/bleve).

Is there option to perform full text search through the comments? If not, can it be useful? If yes, should it be based on something like [bleve](https://github.com/blevesearch/bleve) ? E.g. radio-t.com...