Valentin Degenne

Results 39 comments of Valentin Degenne

Any news about this feature? That would be very useful in fact!

@vdegenne weird, my solution is the same as the comment you refer to but It couldn't work in my situation.

I am the author of this post. After almost a whole year this bug is still there. Can we hope to see this fixed soon? Maybe levelling up the priority?...

I can't find a temporary solution I tried this : ```javascript this.addEventListener('pointerdown', e =>{ if (e.button === 2) { // close all others menu // Open menu at (e.x,...

NOTE : if I remove the property `quick` from the `` element, the hotkey works. 😕 ?

I temporarily fixed this issue using ```javascript // @ts-ignore setTimeout(()=>, 0) ``` **note 1** : `` instead didn't work. **note 2** : I do not need this *hack* if not...

Same here, and when that happens I usually can't active or deactivate the bluetooth from the gnome desktop settings GUI.

Any updates? Menu still closes when using `mwc-check-list-item` so I would assume this issue wasn't solve. [#6033](

@benhall847 Unfortunately it seems that the maintainers are long time gone. Hope someone forks this and make the changes. I'd do it but I am really not mastering C++

@achimmihca Thanks a lot! You are amazing!