Valeria de Paiva
Valeria de Paiva
we want to have the PE orthography as well as the Brazilian one. hence a synset such as 02560767-v English (act so as to bring into existence; "effect a...
Usual adjectives are subsective: a "red car" is a car that also happens to be "red" whatever being red means. but sometimes they are not, like in "fake diamonds" or...
in our gentilics paper we say: > we can formulate a query that retrieves all pairs of synsets (s1, s2) that have senses related by the relation ADJECTIVEPERTAINSTO, where the...
need to check the European writing in OWN-PT for the following: projectar leccionar registar planear conectar transaccionar inspeccionar infectar baptizar accionar seleccionar intersectar fracturar fraccionar exceptuar facturar electrificar efectivar desinflaccionar...
The paper "A Large Corpus of Product Reviews in Portuguese:Tackling Out-Of-Vocabulary Words" describes two large dictionaries of Portuguese that seem to be the state-of-the-art (???) Unitext-PB (download at
um lugar pra adicionar synsets que nos parecem estar faltando na PWN (semelhante ao issue de synsets faltando na OWN-PT) 0 results found for 'word_en:drowner' (afogador existe na OWN-PT) 0...
1. 01819147-v 'deprive of courage or hope'; V2; add to the Portuguese entry (empty at the moment) desencorajar, dissuadir, desanimar which are in the Spanish and Catalan versions 2. 00838043-v...
The paper says is page 4 ``we reduce constructions such as going to + verb to indicate future tense (e.g., in “I am going to dance”)." however the expression produced...
If I look at the representation of "My cat barked." it gives me "barked:(subj:My cat ) have:(subj:My , dobj:cat )" ok, I don't like the use of "have" would prefer...
Sentence "Two hundred twenty dogs bark." give the representation I think is correct "bark:(subj:Two hundred twenty dogs )", however "Twenty three dogs bark." gives bark:(subj:three dogs , mod:Twenty )