Vincent Cloarec
Vincent Cloarec
When opening a XDMF file that has *.h5 filed associated, if one of this *.h5 file is missing, MDAL crashes
The virtual dataset group linked to a mesh layer are not present in the menu of plots because menu are populated from data provider and virtual dataset group are only...
see Even 1D vertices are not used for 2D mesh, 1D vertices are still here when MDAL load the 2D mesh.
Add ANUGA as another 2D flow solver could be great
Currently, the user can export delineated watersheds, but all watershed are exported, total watershed and sub-watersheds. It could be useful to add an option to export only the total watershed...
It would be good if the user could see the validity domain of the concentration time formula, for example in the window that show the formula.
The user should be able to copy values from the watershed longitudinal profile table.
When a calculation finished for the first time, the color ramp of results has min/max to 0. The user has to open the color ramp settings to load the min/max
Selection of result profile seems to works with bounding box of the profile, not with the real shape. That is a poblem when a profile has a bounding box that...