Victoria Cepeda

Results 15 comments of Victoria Cepeda

did you run the Readme examples without errors? which command and samples did you run?

check your java installation. I didn't include it in the requirements but is needed by pilon

Did you try the readme examples first? Also, please check if mc.sam and mc.sam.all are empty or have very few lines.

Hi, can you check if the assembly/contigs.fasta, assembly/megahit/final.contig.fa, or metacompass_output/ files are empy? Also, can you share the last log file in the log folder?

Can you post the command you ran? and also did you run the tutorial successfully?

Please check if your bowtie2 version is (>=) 2.2.9 and share the file example1_output/logs/bowtie2map.log

Bowtie2 is not working, can you run ls -lrt example1_output/assembly and share the output?

Do you get any output? can you ls all the folders from example1_output? You should get some output when running "bowtie2-build -o 3 --threads 4 -q Candidatus_Carsonella_ruddii_HT_Thao2000.fasta example1_output/assembly/mc.index 1>> example1_output/assembly/mc.index...

Is seems like there is an issue with Bowtie2, not the metacompass installation. Can you run "bowtie2-build -o 3 --threads 4 -q Candidatus_Carsonella_ruddii_HT_Thao2000.fasta mc.index"

All scripts were written for python3. It seems like you have python 2 and 3 installed, and your pythonpath is pointed at python 2. Please ask your HPC expert how...