MetaCompass copied to clipboard
one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode
Hi, what does this mean? is it that the quality of my reads are bad or that I don't have any MAG related to the ref genome I am searching for? Thanks!
Job 2: ---assembly stats reference-guided contigs
python3 /gpfs/software/ada/build/MetaCompass-2.0-beta/bin/ metacompass_heavyadmintest/metacompass_output/ 1 > metacompass_heavyadmintest/metacompass_output/metacompass_assembly_stats.tsv && touch metacompass_heavyadmintest/metacompass_output/.run2.ok
Error in rule stats_all: jobid: 2 output: metacompass_heavyadmintest/metacompass_output/metacompass_assembly_stats.tsv shell: python3 /gpfs/software/ada/build/MetaCompass-2.0-beta/bin/ metacompass_heavyadmintest/metacompass_output/ 1 > metacompass_heavyadmintest/metacompass_output/metacompass_assembly_stats.tsv && touch metacompass_heavyadmintest/metacompass_output/.run2.ok (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)
Removing output files of failed job stats_all since they might be corrupted: metacompass_heavyadmintest/metacompass_output/metacompass_assembly_stats.tsv
Hi, can you check if the assembly/contigs.fasta, assembly/megahit/final.contig.fa, or metacompass_output/ files are empy? Also, can you share the last log file in the log folder?
the assembly/contigs.fasta is 3,4 MB the assembly/megahit/final.contig.fa 721,5 MB the metacompass_output/ is 724,4 MB
I can't share the final log (pilon.log) as it is 34 Mb.
I can share the megahit.log megahit.log
Hi, I run it again and got the same error. Please, I would be grateful if you can help me with this. Any idea why I am having this issue? Cheers!
Can you post the command you ran? and also did you run the tutorial successfully?
For my run I did: -r Luteitalea_pratensis.fasta -1 heavyclean_250_NewHeadersR_1.fastq -2 heavyclean_250_NewHeadersR_2.fastq -o metacompass_heavytest2 -m 1 -y 80
Now, for the tutorial: also didn't run, I did: -r Candidatus_Carsonella_ruddii_HT_Thao2000.fasta -1 thao2000.1.fq -2 thao2000.2.fq -l 150 -o example1_output -t 4 -y 8 and I got: Removing output files of failed job bowtie2_map since they might be corrupted the tutorial log file: 2020-09-03T135809.115304.snakemake.log
Please check if your bowtie2 version is (>=) 2.2.9 and share the file example1_output/logs/bowtie2map.log
Hi, thanks for your fast reply. my version of Bowtie2 is and the folder "example1_output/logs" is empty
Bowtie2 is not working, can you run ls -lrt example1_output/assembly and share the output?
Hi, the "example1_output/assembly" is also zero I run: ls -lrt example1_output/assembly and total is zero should I re-install Bowtie2?
Do you get any output? can you ls all the folders from example1_output?
You should get some output when running "bowtie2-build -o 3 --threads 4 -q Candidatus_Carsonella_ruddii_HT_Thao2000.fasta example1_output/assembly/mc.index 1>> example1_output/assembly/mc.index 2>&1". Please try to reinstall bowtie2. Older versions of Bowtie2 don't have the --threads option
Hi, I got this output after running your command. It says reference seems not to be on a fasta, but I am double sure it is in fasta format.
Is seems like there is an issue with Bowtie2, not the metacompass installation. Can you run "bowtie2-build -o 3 --threads 4 -q Candidatus_Carsonella_ruddii_HT_Thao2000.fasta mc.index"
Hi, our HPC expert did a run and they think is a problem with the print issues with python3.
Also, they asked me why sometimes it is calling python3 and python2 in different python scripts?
grep python *.py!/usr/bin/env python3 Usage: python <assembly.fasta>
the script of the run: -r Candidatus_Carsonella_ruddii_HT_Thao2000.fasta -1 thao2000.1.fq -2 thao2000.2.fq -l 150 -o example8amjad_output -t 4 -y 8
The error showed this Error in rule stats_all: jobid: 2 output: example7amjad_output/metacompass_output/metacompass_assembly_stats.tsv shell: python3 /gpfs/software/ada/build/metacompass/MetaCompass-2.0-beta/bin/ example7amjad_output/metacompass_output/ 1 > example7amjad_output/metacompass_output/metacompass_assembly_stats.tsv && touch example7amjad_output/metacompass_output/.run2.ok (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)
Removing output files of failed job stats_all since they might be corrupted:
[Wed Sep 16 11:08:37 2020]
Finished job 1.
11 of 14 steps (79%) done
File "/gpfs/software/ada/build/metacompass/MetaCompass-2.0-beta/bin/", line 127
print 'Filename: ' + str(contigsMultifasta)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
[Wed Sep 16 11:08:37 2020]
Finished job 3.
12 of 14 steps (86%) done
Shutting down, this might take some time.
Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message
Complete log: /gpfs/software/ada/build/metacompass/MetaCompass-2.0-beta/tutorial/.snakemake/log/2020-09-16T110744.049416.snakemake.log
All scripts were written for python3. It seems like you have python 2 and 3 installed, and your pythonpath is pointed at python 2. Please ask your HPC expert how to fix that problem. A quick fix can be running the command alias python=python3
Hi, Our HPC expert checked it and Python3 is in python path when metacompass module is loaded MetaCompass/2.0-beta echo $PYTHONPATH /gpfs/software/ada/python/anaconda/2019.10/3.7
so I am not sure why we are having the problem...
I was having a similar issue with an older version of my university system before and running alias python=python3 fixed it, can you try that to see if the tutorial data can run successfully?
I have a new version of the code that haven't pushed to Github that will probably solve your issues.
great, thank you. When do you think we can have access to it? Cheers.
Hi, when do you think you can upload the new version? Cheers!