Vittorio Bertola

Results 7 comments of Vittorio Bertola

Scusate, ma stiamo scherzando? Cioé, uno fa un app (qualunque), si trovano o ipotizzano delle vulnerabilità (che so: le password sono memorizzate in chiaro), e la risposta è "ah beh,...

@48656c6c6f20576f726c64 scusa la domanda, ma chi sei tu per decidere se l'issue va chiuso o meno? Lo dovrebbe fare uno sviluppatore dell'applicativo. Io aspetto ancora che si presenti una persona...

@48656c6c6f20576f726c64 allora ti faccio la domanda diretta: lavori per Bending Spoons?

I recently migrated from the old and I am a bit worried since I discovered that OrganicMaps does not store bookmarks in a place on the phone where I...

I'll just mention that, again, a crash in my app deleted my last 15 months of bookmarks, which I could not back up or export in any way, since Organic...

Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but this is really frustrating. Unfortunately I have several dozen bookmark sets, each with a big number of points (I travel a lot!),...

An "export all bookmarks" option down in the bookmark lists screen would be a quick & easy fix while we wait for a comprehensive and automated backup solution, which is...