A possible "fix" or an enhancement for this issue here could also be, to change the default behaviour: By default only the person is deleted, not the contacts. A pop-up...
Hi @jkrwdf , just as a side note: > by accident the operator in the test center used a software where the real name is taken over from the "CWA...
By the way: on Android it seems to be possible to copy the id with long press (Android 6, LG G4, CWA 2.4.3). It copies a bit more than necessary,...
@jkrwdf wrote: > In my digital vaccination certificates, those elements are populated correctly, therefore I assume it is the CWA which transfers those data incorrectly to the RKI for signing....
By the way: the reported issue here also has the potential to create longer queues at border control, in case other countries use their own verifier apps that display standardised...
@Ein-Tim > At least the end time is not used as a time where everyone checks out - for this the default check in time is used. When the default...
Hi @Ein-Tim , please see also
@thomasaugsten @gagamail Hi, gagamail listed Android July Patch for his device settings. The July Patch also consists of Qualcomm fixes that seem to affect wifi. May there be any (timely)...
Hi @gagamail , thanks for clearing up! > According to the logfiles I installed the last upgrade (i don't think there was any other upgrade besides the July Patch) on...
Hi @DerPlankton13 , thanks for your report! You mentioned that app was working well until July 20th. Interestingly, around July 21st/22nd, CWA-server 1.2.0 was released... May there be any correlation,...