I think I have a mac here I can test with. If not, what do the glitched textures look like? I'm using shaders because it is much faster than processing...
I made a change to one of the shaders(f474197549c5fd08d67e1b2b1ea990712ce93b3f), see if that fixes it. It's working now on my Mac here.
You're referring to this line? ``` c# return float4((up - down).xxx, 1); ``` If you return that, you're only comparing the vertical difference and not horizontal. What does the output...
Does it only happen if the compressor is enabled? What browser? Either way, there's probably not much that can be done to change it. The plugin just inserts a compressor...
What browser & operating system is that?
Which Linux? That doesn't happen for me on Linux Mint. Has it always done this? Or did it just start? It should be able to size the window automatically....
No idea why that's happening, but I just posted a new version that sets a min width for the popup. Try updating the addon to 0.1.21 and see if that...
I see what you mean now. I just put out update 0.1.23 which will let you scroll the popup when it's in the overflow menu.
Unfortunately this is a bug/design decision of Firefox: Any media with a cross-origin source gets silenced when a script tries to modify it. Unless Firefox changes that the only...
Ah, well unfortunately it's the same issue in Chrome too: Setting crossOrigin to anonymous from the script doesn't help in Firefox or Chrome. I don't think there's anything I...