Vasiliy Ulyanov
Vasiliy Ulyanov
/remove-lifecycle stale
@scydas, there is an open proposal in the community repo Feel free to join the review and provide feedback.
/remove-lifecycle stale
/remove-lifecycle stale
Hey, @nvinnakota10 and all. Raised this also in the mailing list, but just decided to duplicate here. I am curious about the status of this PR. Any chance we can...
> @vasiliy-ul I might be wrong, but I think this is blocked by the fact that we would like to separate the network plugin externally and we are missing the...
> Custom options will not be overwritten on upgrade. Just wanted to double-check this. So, assuming there is a valid KubeVirt installation running on my cluster and I have enabled...
@dhiller, please refer to the previous comment from @atanasdinov
HI @swheettaos. > guest has not initialized the display (yet) This message suggests that qemu has started, but smth is missing and the vm cannot run. I personally haven't tried...
For the record: there is a similar issue Apparently, VMs on **aarch64** need more memory to run. E.g. for cirros at least `256Mi` is required (while on x86_64 `128Mi`...