yosef langer
yosef langer
Added typings to bill, according to the API you provided in the readme, so that it can easily be used within typescript environments.
Hello! I am sorry if this library was not intended to be used on a windows machine however it was not stated otherwise in its description. I've spent about 3...
when you click multiple times on the same link, it seems like it re-scrolls to the same area, should prevent the menu from acting if its already on the right...
1. modified code into a bit more modern js es6 , replacing var with let and const, also some variables were global unnecresarily. 2. made port 8080 optional, just specify...
[Google has place_id support in its geocoder](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro#reverse-restricted) So I added it in accordance with the official [google api](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro#reverse-restricted) and left lat/lon support intact. it will give priority to lat/lon ,...
Hey, I think the code in the package https://www.npmjs.com/package/@loadingio/loading-bar mismatch the code in the github repository even tho the version numbers match. for example setting "max" and "min" has no...
Hello, I know this has already been asked here https://github.com/feathersjs-ecosystem/feathers-objection/issues/101, and your response was its not implemented. I would like to know why? is it a matter of lack of...
Added folder.getPreviousChild() method to PSTFolder.java , it allows you to scan the emails backwards until it reaches 0, you must set the cursor further than 0 first (eg: folder.moveChildCursorTo(folder.getContentCount()-1) try:...
Can you please instruct me, if possible, on how to use sqlite instead of mysql as the main database? I think it would benifit alot of people to have such...
converted the module to support ESM modules instead of commonjs and made the module async to support hapi async api