Varsha DEVI
Varsha DEVI
Hello, I am trying to download TGIF and IACC.3 (ResNext-101, ResNet-152 features) from following link: wget But it does not seem to be active. Kindly guide me in this...
Hello, First of all thanks alot for sharing such a great work. I used your code to train the model on MSR_VTT dataset, and I did that successfully, thanks for...
Hello, I successfully loaded the pre-trained model given for mrw dataset using the following command in script "checkpoint = torch.load(args.ckpt) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint, strict=False)" but the results are not same as...
Hello Antoine Thanks for sharing your work. I am trying to evaluate your code on MSR-VTT test dataset. I followed all the instructions you provided on file. Furthermore, I...
Hello, Thanks for the code, it is very compact and clear. However, In order to reproduce the results for AVS task, I want to download the pre-extracted features for AVS,...
Thanks for sharing your work. I am trying to reproduce your results; but I am not able to download your pretrained model using wget -P $MODELDIR the web page...
Hello, thanks for the clear description for reproduction of the results. But when I used the pre-trained model to run evaluation on CAER-S test set, I acheived accuracy of 0.6527,...
Hello, thanks for the code avalability and reproduction of your results. I have few questions 1. In your paper you mentioned that you used pre-extracted resnet50 features with glamor model....