Martin Varga
Martin Varga
@tomasMizera could you please create an issue if [mergin repo]( It is not the one mentioned in description.
@tomasMizera I found where the actual issue is: you ask `page=2` but there is not such page (not enough results). By default sqlalchemy pagination function in server returns 404 in...
we allow to use only alphanumeric or these `-._~()'!*:@,;` characters in the project name
Good point! I think we should introduce new local project state, e.g. 'dangling local project'. After browser refresh we can check against server projects and if it does not exist...
We would need to revisit permissions for fixing that. At the moment org. reader can pull all projects, and org. writer can create/edit and remove all projects. Admin/owner roles are...
There were multiple fixes for sync process done in 2023.2.0, so this should not be an issue anymore. However download of large zip project archives was limited to certain size...
It was added
It was added to docker-compose file. And guide to run containers is now here