krishan kumar varshney
krishan kumar varshney
Page is changing, when I tapped in the page title. I think this issue is resolved now.
@davut5 you can do something like ` _ = SweetAlert().showAlert("Are you sure?", subTitle: "You are navigating to other screen", style:` ` AlertStyle.warning, buttonTitle:"OK", buttonColor:UIColor.colorFromRGB(0xD0D0D0) ,` `otherButtonTitle:` `"" ,otherButtonColor: UIColor.colorFromRGB(0xDD6B55), EnabledOutsideTap:...
> @NeomMob I'm not sure if this is relevant, but VSCode's editor stops parsing after a certain amount of lines. Maybe that could be used here? > > **EDIT** VSCode...
@moschan Same issue here