Tuan Van Le

Results 8 comments of Tuan Van Le

> Sorry for late response. I am back with some results that may help everyone with the same issue. As I have stated above that I use bowser boilerplate in...

> If you use **socket.io version 3**, go to your `pubspec.yaml` file and change the package version for `socket_io_client: ^2.0.0-beta.2`. > > I made the error of installing it with...

Ok, no one reply. And i found the result: at rn 0.57 or bellow, we should use StyleSheet for improve perfomance. But now from 0.6x no diffirent between create style...

set DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS to public ip worked for me

i can build on android, just upgrade sdk version, minSdk, move to androidx..., but now cannot connect to janus server

> M1 support is available. You can use the latest set of alpha releases without any issue. https://github.com/infinitered/reactotron/releases/tag/reactotron-app%403.0.0-alpha.21 > > Also 2.17.1 should have been fine also. still intel when...

Have one way i have used, you can get width of parent view and set slide Length follow width of parent view, example: ``` getSizeSeekBar = (event) => { this.setState({widthSeekBar:...