Vansh Gandhi

Results 38 comments of Vansh Gandhi

I'm also receiving the same error when trying to download BFGMiner. Using version 4.3.1 of MultiMiner Here's the stack trace ``` ************** Exception Text ************** System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null....

Hi @JakeWharton, is this feature being actively being planned on for an upcoming release? I'd like to be able to pass a Date object as a query parameter without having...

@JakeWharton pardon my ignorance, I thought `Converter`s were only for request/response bodies? (at least based on some of the docs, which say "converting HTTP response body"). Just to clarify, you're...

Ah, well, looking at this (, I think both questions I had can be answered in the positive. Sorry for the confusion! So, then, I must be misunderstanding this issue....

Interesting, especially since you had it working at some point. What is the error you are getting?

Are you guys building from source or using the pre built download?

Does this still happen on the latest build (from source)? Could you provide more details/a stack trace if so?

That's a great idea @askalburgi!

@iknowzo You'd have to go into the code and do it. You can find the relevant section [here](