MacAssistant copied to clipboard
Launch shortcut customization
I'm often accidentally calling 'macAssistant' due to pressing command multiple times for totally un related things.
I changed the shortcut to cmd + ctrl + b and then I was able to add a dictation command in system preferences to trigger this shortcut when saying Okay Google 😎
Any plan to make a TouchBar shortcut?
That's a great idea @askalburgi!
@headsvk Do you mind telling me how you changed the default command shortcut? Thanks man!
@iknowzo You'd have to go into the code and do it. You can find the relevant section here
Cmd double tap does not work for me with the current build. How do I make it work?
I created a fork with hot key enabled that opens window and starts monitor recording, if I could contribute to this I can create a preferences screen to choose default action and your own key combination.
@BTL00 please submit a PR