Ivan Kuzmin
Ivan Kuzmin
Same question. I tried to use it like that, but suddenly sentry plugin configuration options are not applied ``` const nextPlugins = [ withNextTranslate, withBundleAnalyzer, [withSentryConfig, { silent: true }]...
Same problem but on a Webstorm, fresh installation. I have correct One Light colors on my Linux machine with 1-year-old setup, and default Webstorm colors for the light theme with...
@CloudCamilon how do you implement showing notifications from hidden (background, not killed) state for Android? Do you use data-only notifications? For me, notification is delivered, but it's displaying only when...
I finally got background notifications + deep linking working by using [react-native-push-notification](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-push-notification) instead of Notifee. It's not updated for 3 years but surprisingly gets job done better. I receive messages...
We are encountering the same issue. We are utilizing the AUTO_WEBP feature and anticipate all images to be converted to WebP, including GIFs while preserving their animations. Sharp provides the...