Ivan Krutov
Ivan Krutov
@whrostre make sure you have all required firewall rules to static resources: styles, scripts, images and so on. Some pages could be loading such files from third-party resources and this...
@whrostre in that case I would check browser pods with `kubectl describe po chrome-XXXX -n moon`. Investigate this output and check how much time it takes to schedule the pod,...
@benzman81 sure, will use `vnc` property for each host.
@johnqa `moon-monitor` is not needed anymore in Moon 2. Metrics are served by `moon` container itself on port 4444. There is nothing about `moon-monitor` in Moon 2 docs.
This is all described here: https://aerokube.com/moon/latest/#monitoring-built-in-metrics
@johnqa any details about what you did will certainly help us to resolve this.
@evra yes, you are right.
@martingrossmann Having even resolution is a requirement of h264 codec we are using for encoding videos. So this is not a Selenoid limitation, but a ffmpeg codec limitation. This should...