Andy Valencia
Andy Valencia
Use document element (base is deprecated). Use timeout (updating URL hash, among others, resets scroll position).
Geeksphone Revolution, FFOS 2.0, talking to tt-rss FWIW. When returning from the screen which views the individual entry to the overall list, the position in the overall list is lost...
With the clip-on keyboard in place for a Pinephone, typing is wonderful (and works well). But a number of symbols reached via the Fn key (in particular Fn + 7...
We should pick a place to formally collect ports of useful modules not in the base system. I'm fine with just a suite of things you can git clone, then...
We should definitely plan on supporting assignment expressions, PEP 572. The fight for it was so ugly that I see Guido's stepping back from BDFL! :(
I have a media player; HTML5 audio and JS to switch to next track in playlist. Works fine, except JS does not run except when the player is on the...
Hi, Server runs OK, supplies index.html and lists a directory. But pointing mplayer at a URL for an MP3 just hangs?
The previous changeset to drop into ei/halt doesn't reach this code path as much as it should. The test for checkpoint jumps back to the top of the loop when...
In my environment (Debian Buster), invoking @echo in a Makefile action line appears to invoke a builtin of the make utility itself. This builtin doesn't know about "echo -e", and...
As I ramp up to look at a simulator-friendly idle mode for RSX280, I'm encountering some lack of clarity. Maybe this calls for actual fixes, maybe just some documentation notes?...