Martijn van der Lee

Results 13 issues of Martijn van der Lee

The rules seem to be focussed on US-style names. Is there any support or possibility for optional (pluggable/configurable) non-US name support? As an example, my native tongue (Dutch) has the...

Is there any way to explicitely set or disable a language? I'd like to have only the english language available and can't find what I need to set in behat.yml...

composer.json limits PHP version to 7.x. Any chance of supporting PHP 8.0 or even 8.1?

According to issue log, the ESC key was added years ago but has since gone missing.

This uses jQuery `.animate` to animate the backdrop, which looks really nice. The backdrop is not hidden when moving from one element to another, but is instead moved. Ideally the...

Playing the game for a while, it quickly becomes clear there are two separate types of players; the "thinking" player that thinks about each individual move and (what I like...

Currently, the progressbar is refreshed initially and upon window resize. It would be useful to have a public method or event to allow manual/external refresh. For instance when a screen...

When using a remote source, the initial value does not display the labelProp value. For example, this slightly modified demo with initial value `3` for the `remoteHandler`: Is it...

If, for some reason, a non-existent value is set for the input, it will set `undefined` as the value for the input. This change empties the value instead. I don't...

Is there any way to access the `convertHtmlToRtf` functionality from within a `copy` event handler?