Hi all, I will take time to migrate these 2 modules if no one has started yet?
@agent-z28 I just started; it will take time. The 2 OCA dependencies, `web_drop_target` and `mail_preview_base,` should also be migrated into v16. As far as I know, the OCA Module `web_drop-target`...
@agent-z28 @len-foss FYI, the `dms` module is nearly complete. We no longer need the two OCA modules `web_drop_target` and `mail_preview_base`, because Odoo Core 16 provides the functionalities offered by these...
@agent-z28 @len-foss and OCA community FYI, I created a PR for the `DMS` module. [PR 262](https://github.com/OCA/dms/pull/262)
@pedrobaeza @marylla FYI https://github.com/OCA/dms/pull/262#issuecomment-1793380467
> # Todo > https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools/wiki/Migration-to-version-16.0 > > # Modules to migrate > * [ ] attachment_zipped_download - By @FernandoRomera - [[16.0][MIG] attachment_zipped_download: Migration to 16.0 #391](https://github.com/OCA/knowledge/pull/391) > * [x] document_page...