Aliaksandr Valialkin

Results 31 issues of Aliaksandr Valialkin

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Prometheus datasource in Grafana contains a lot of custom client-side code for auto-completion in various contexts during editing dashboards, template...


### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe [vmui]( provides the ability to prettify query by clicking the `prettify query` icon - see [this pull request]( and...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Both [vmagent]( and a single-node VictoriaMetrics support Kubernetes service discovery (aka [kubernetes_sd_config]( Unfortunately, this type of service discovery isn't trivial...


### Describe the bug Auto-complete should show the list of label names across all the time series if the cursor is located just after `{` and there is no metric...


### Describe the bug Currently [vmui]( incorrectly triggers auto-suggestion after any whitespace char in the following cases: - `some_metric`. The auto-suggestion shouldn't be triggered in this context, since the resulting...


### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe [vmauth]( is designed to be entry point for requests to other VictoriaMetrics components. Sometimes these requests can come from...


Smart http-aware [deduplication]( could give much better compression ratio (and, probably, speed) comparing to general-purpose compression algorithms such as gzip or snappy. See [this blog post from Cloudflare]( as a...


It would be great if [VictoriaMetrics]( would be added to the list of supported databases for the benchmark. VictoriaMetrics [understands Influx line protocol](, so it can share data generation and...

[VictoriaMetrics]( supports Influx line protocol for data ingestion - see [these docs](, while it requires lower amounts of compute resources (RAM, CPU, disk space, disk IO) compared to InfluxDB -...

It would be great if IOTStack could use [vmagent]( for data scraping and [VictoriaMetrics]( for storing the data. * VictoriaMetrics and vmagent can accept data from Telegraf and similar monitoring...