Aliaksandr Valialkin

Results 31 issues of Aliaksandr Valialkin

Prometheus provides the ability to replicate locally stored data to [remote storage]( This helps solving the following issues: - Global query view, when you want running a query over data...

Thank you for creating the issue! - [x] Yes, I'm using a binary release within 2 latest major releases. Only such installations are supported. - [x] Yes, I've searched similar...

false positive

It would be great to use [VictoriaMetrics]( as a time series database for emoncms. This tsdb provides the following features, which could be useful for emoncms case: * It [works...


[VictoriaMetrics]( is a monitoring system and time series database. It supports various data ingestion protocols, including Graphite, OpenTSDB, Influx line protocol, Prometheus remove write, Prometheus text exposition format, JSON and...


[VictoriaMetrics]( supports data ingestion via Influx line protocol (see [these docs](, while it usually needs lower amounts of compute resources (CPU, RAM, disk space, disk IO) compared to InfluxDB (see...


[Thanos Query]( component accepts `--query.replica-label` command-line flag for data deduplication - see . It would be great if Promxy would add similar ability to merge results from multiple upstream...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** VictoriaMetrics provides an endpoint `/api/v1/status/top_queries` (see ), which shows a few lists of top queries: - the most frequently...


It would be great if other LTS backends are considered: victoriametrics, m3db, cortex. These backends may provide the following improvements comparing to timescaledb: * easier to manage * better compression...


It would be great if MindsDB could integrate with popular time series databases such as [InfluxDB](, [TimescaleDB]( and [VictoriaMetrics](

help wanted
good first issue

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** There is a [vmbackup]( tool, which can create a single backup per run. Unfortunately it requires additional code for creating...
