Christian Vallières
Christian Vallières
I don't believe the web.config binding redirect is read during T4 template execution.
The project I am working on might be supported by multiple developers so a machine specific setting is a bad idea. I haven't had any issues with other libraries.
Isn't this possible:
@martijnboland Yes that would greatly simplify linking directly to a content item otherwise I'm not sure how easy it would be to find the collection id dynamically. I plan on...
@martijnboland Have you created the proposed api route /{appId}/{collectionName}/{contentItemKey} ?
That's great! I was able to make it work with your API. I inject the collection name and item key in icons beside each labels. It would still be great...
Agree, thanks.
@martijnboland Any development on this solution?
I appreciate your effort on this. I don't require this fix at the moment but in the near future. 1 month would be nice but 3 months can be ok.