Sounds great! I just need to have a easy access to the storage, to save images etc. Just wanted to say that, so you don't hussle too much for ecto...
Any progress on this? I would like to see this functionality because in a truly null safe app I need default values when I read from the database. It would...
Is there another proposed solution to use another freezed class as a default value? Like a default value for a subclass?
+1 The CustomConverter appears in the *.freezed.dart but not in the *.g.dart file. Any ideas? Also the toJson and fromJson parameres of the JsonKey() are not propagated down to the...
I face this issue now.
Yes, it originated from the WalletConnect library. I solved the issue by deleting my yarn.lock and reinstall. Sorry that I cannot help to reproduce it. Super service, thanks a lot!
+1 What is the preferred method to downgrade firebase globally?
👏🦾❤️ Upgrading to 11.3.0 fixed this for me! Thanks, @yuchenshi !
I would rather remove the whole file.