Vallard Benincosa
Vallard Benincosa
Didn't work for me either, I switched to `required_var_files = ["${get_parent_terragrunt_dir()}/common.tfvars"]` instead of arguments and that worked great.
@neelimamukiri while it's true there is a really great contiv.yaml file, the fact remains that in order to use this contiv.yaml file you have to have all the prereqs setup...
Can any of the developers comment on plans to fix this? Is there something we as the community can do to make this better? I can't see how there would...
I had this in my `values.yaml`: ``` grafana: sidecar: enabled: true dashboards: label: grafana_dashboard labelValue: 1 ``` It didn't work for me unless I specified the `labelValue`.
Yikes! I haven't tested it yet on iOS7, so I'll need to update the code. Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully this week I'll get some time.
Yeah we would have to add that. It only does deployments right now. It could probably be modified to do that but not something I have time for now. Those...
Could be. I haven't looked at this for a while. I apologize as I have been working on some other projects at the moment. On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at...
I don't have any immediate plans at the moment. It didn't take too long to develop (which is why its probably pretty feature incomplete). I'll probably need to update my...
Hmm... Good question, I've never run it on GKE. I'll be able to look at it in March. Might be some other way to authenticate instead. I think the guys...
helm can create the namespace as of Feb 2020 ( Run: `helm -n upgrade --install --create-namespace fluent fluent/fluentd -f values.yml`