Valeriu Predoi
Valeriu Predoi
Hey guys, is the setup tool able to generate a conda env straight from an explicit conda lock file by any chance? I tried it [here]( and it complains. Cheers...
Hey guys, hope yous doing well and healthy and working from home :grin: I got a question described in this [comment]( and it seems to me there has to be...
Hey guys, hope you guys doing well, been a while since I stopped by :smile: Here's an odd one, this is the toy code that reproduces the issue: ```python import...
## 📰 Custom Issue Hi guys, a variation on the theme of concatenation/merge on which there are a few issues already open - it'd be nice if iris handled scalar...
Heads up guys, we are seeing some very [frequent segfaults in our CI]( when we have the new, hours-old, `netCDF4=1.6.1` in our environment. It's most probably due to it, since...
Hey guys, first off apologies if this issue may be a duplicate of another (I did a cursory check and didn't really find any to fit the bill proper), and...
Hey folks, Here's one sneaky one for you: ### Main point An iris cube that has ancillary variables and cell_measures, upon intersecting it with a region via `cube.intersect` may lose...
Add `--enable-byterange` or `-DENABLE_BYTERANGE=true` to compilation of C library for S3 data access
Hey guys, quick question for you netCDF4pythoneers - will it be possible to add `--enable-byterange` or `-DENABLE_BYTERANGE=true` (for Cmake) to the compilation of C library so we can get S3...
## Description Hey folks, My apologies for busing in - my area is usually restricted to the conda package maintenance :grin: I am attempting to build a new Prospector 1.10.3...
Hi @carlio et al (the good Prospector folk), here's your (annoying) friendly pkg maintainer - in order for Prospector to be built with Python 3.12, there are three direct dependencies...