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Add `--enable-byterange` or `-DENABLE_BYTERANGE=true` to compilation of C library for S3 data access
Hey guys, quick question for you netCDF4pythoneers - will it be possible to add --enable-byterange
(for Cmake) to the compilation of C library so we can get S3 data access out the box, using an already built and bundled Python library, so we don't have to compile our own copy and store it in some barn, then point conda to it (the peasant's way)? Is there any red flag for this not to be used? Inspiration from the {netCDF-C docs]( Very many thanks in advance, and cheers muchly for your awesome work! Also great to see GH friends like @ocefpaf around :beer:
We don't handle the C library here - but this has been discussed for the libnetcdf conda package (see and Once that is available, we can build new wheels using the conda C libs using
@jswhit that's great, very many thanks, and my sincere apologies for missing your reply - not sure how I missed it, but in fairness, I was away last week. So it looks like my colleague and friend @zklaus has enabled byte-range in - does this mean you guys can now build new wheels? Cheers muchly :beer:
hey guys, my apolos for pestering you, but do you guys have an estimate for when this will be included in a release? Many thanks in advance :beer: