Valeriu Predoi
Valeriu Predoi
@maresb my pleasure, mate! That sounds like a good idea to me! Maybe even raise a ticket with conda too, if you have an idea what may be going wrong...
@lolgab sweet, many thanks, mate! Shall do's, cheers for the pointer :beer:
@lolgab my apologies, mate - proves out were were indeed skipping with `skip: true` (my colleague @bouweandela looked a few lines down the config file, unlike me :rofl: ) -...
I think this is solved by #319 folks - any idea when will a cftime=1.6.4 be out that'll include that fix, please? :beer:
unless you are specifically testing for the installation of `cftime` from PyPI inside a barebones conda env, I'd go with installing `cftime` from conda-forge - always a lot more consistent...