codacy-coverage-reporter icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
codacy-coverage-reporter copied to clipboard

Will the coverage upload be skipped only if `--skip` or `-s` is passed in?

Open valeriupredoi opened this issue 5 months ago • 3 comments

Hi folks, quick question please (sorry I got rid of the Issue template - too much faff for such a simple question): we are using the codacy cov uploader via CircleCI as orb ie:

  coverage-reporter: codacy/[email protected]
  codecov: codecov/[email protected]

and noticed that the coverage upload is not skipped if the PR is from a forked repo (so the project API token is missing there), and fails with the obvious "project token missing" - do we have to explicitly have the --skip option turned on to allow for a skip in this case, and avoid a fail? Many thanks in advance! Cheers muchly :beers:

valeriupredoi avatar Apr 03 '24 13:04 valeriupredoi