I have already tried it and do not see a big difference. Maybe 5 minutes less. I can also observe, that fast SSD will be used very slow. Can it...
Still the same. What I can observe: Gigahorse uses common RAM (up to 60 GB) and bladebit do not. Only RAM use goes high...
with this code: .\bladebit_cuda.exe -f xch -c xch --threads 14 -n 1 --compress 3 cudaplot --disk-128 -t1 Z:\TMP\ Z:\NFT\ Bladebit Chia Plotter Version : 3.1.0 Git Commit : e9836f8bd963321457bc86eb5d61344bfb76dcf0 Compiled...
Thank you for ideas. Hmmm... I use power shell with admin rights. tried without backslash --> same. Driver for Grafik is one of the latest. NVMe writings are very slowly....
.\bladebit_cuda.exe -f xch -c xch --no-direct-io --threads 14 -n 1000 --compress 3 cudaplot --disk-128 -t1 Z:\TMP Z:\NFT same shit with no direct io...