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R package for plotting Whittaker biomes with ggplot2
> I have some sample data points and I would like to extract corresponding Whittaker biome information based on the annual average temperature and annual average precipitation of these data...
Request: > Is there an easy / swish way to extract the names of the Whittaker biome regions from the plot and align them with the data I’m plotting? I...
The current is not in service anymore. It as actually surprising that the documentation links are still supported. Switch to using GitHub pages as soon as possible.
For example in `get_outliers.R`, at `.validate_tp` instead of ``` stop( "\n 'tp' is not a 'matrix', 'data.frame' or 'data.table'" ) ``` use ``` stop( deparse(substitute(tp)), " is not a 'matrix',...
hi @valentinitnelav Thanks for your pkg. Is there any way to customize the axis (change the labels of the axis, or the units)? For instance, I'm interested in plot the...